Saturday, March 3, 2012

Let's Chat...

FIRST... ColdLogic = Awesome. Beautiful basics all in mesh. I'm going to show off my first purchase that I was crazy about, with more to come! I kinda feel like I stepped right out of the 70's in this jumper, but I think it looks comfortable and fun:

Hair: Elikatira - Over
Skin: Aura - Briar
Jumper: ColdLogic - Joslin
Shoes: Maitreya - Allegre
Earrings : Mandala - Luck

But now, I feel compelled to discuss something with you all. I've seen a disturbing trend in mesh wear the past couple of days. If you've tried mesh, you understand that you're probably going to have to modify yourself just a bit. I have two shapes. I have my "normal" one, and I have my "mesh" one. I've done very little modification to the mesh shape so that everything is proportionate when I put on mesh. That would be the key word: PROPORTION. What I've been seeing, however, is that some would rather have pants that look too big than to modify themselves just a smidge so they can fit themselves into the size that looks right on their avatar. In my opinion, this defeats the entire purpose of mesh. Mesh is supposed to make smooth lines and move with the body. If your pants/shirt/dress are too big, you're not really "doing it right", and that's a shame because mesh is amazing!! (And I will take a picture if I see another avi like this because it looks ridiculous!)

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